Shift Health Center Blog

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Depression

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression in Traverse City Often times when I mention to people that upper cervical chiropractic in Traverse City has helped people that suffer from anxiety and depression, they give me a perplexed look (or they just think I’m crazy). Let’s break it down. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system is made up of…

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Neck Pain

Neck Pain More Than Just a Pain in the Neck?

Neck Pain More Than Just a Pain in the Neck? Neck pain is a common, but not normal occurrence. Millions of individuals ‘learn to live’ with neck pain on a daily basis. Many fail to realize that pain is one of the final warning signs from the body that there is a problem. Frequently the…

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care | Traverse City MI

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care Has anyone you know utilized chiropractic care in Traverse City during pregnancy? Pregnancy can be tough (or so I am told). All kidding aside, we know there are many additional stresses on mom as she goes through the beautiful process of pregnancy ending in birth. During pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin…

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Woman Looking Off Into Distance

Multiple Sclerosis and Fluid Flow to the Brain

Multiple Sclerosis and Fluid Flow to the Brain Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system. It attacks the protective outer covering of nerves known as myelin. Signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis depend not only on the amount of nerve damage, but which nerves are affected. Some people with severe MS…

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Headache

‘Normal headaches’ are like ‘Normal tumors’

‘Normal headaches’ are like ‘Normal tumors’ When is the last time that you had a headache in Traverse City? Last year? Last month? Yesterday? I can’t go one week without someone asking me, “Isn’t it kind of normal to get 1-2 headaches per week?”. The answer to that question is NO. Although that may now…

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Happy Lady

Can Upper Cervical Help Me?

Can Upper Cervical Help Me? Neurologically Based Upper Cervical Care can help anyone – newborns to seniors, “sick or healthy”. Everyone benefits from proper brain to body communication. If we find an upper cervical misalignment disrupting the performance of your nervous system, we can help you! Your nervous system is comprised of your brain, brain…